The proportion of teenage girls who are mothers or who are currently pregnant in sub-Saharan African countries including Ghana is staggering. Approximately in sub-Saharan Africa, 20%– 40% of teenagers are already mothers or are expecting a child (Ankomah, 2013).

The effects of teenage motherhood on both the mother and child lead to numerous societal problems that affect national development.

Teen motherhood is potentially creating a pool of child drop outs from school and other serious societal problems leading to intergenerational poverty (Christianaid Ghana). The children born to these girls suffer from the plight of their mothers giving rise to cyclical phenomenon of poverty and vulnerabilitybin the country.

As a country we should commit to what will stop motherhood in childhood so that that the children that emerge will not fall into the same trap as  their parents.

Teen motherhood can adversely affect both the mother and the development of the child. Out of frustration on the part of the mothers as well as sheer immaturity, harsh disciplinary measures are used by these mothers which can result in low self-esteem and social withdrawal of the child.

Other life-threatening conditions of teen-motherhood are malnutrition and low birth rate that lead to poor development and death of children sometimes. Complications during pregnancy which threaten both the mother and child’s well-being also abound.

It was highly recommended during CRRECENT’s child and youth policy forum that due to the vulnerability of both mother and child:

  1. pregnant teenage mothers who come into health system must be linked to the Livelihood Empowerment against Poverty Program (LEAP) as well as other appropriate social protection programmes.
  2.  District Assemblies must endeavour  tp provide safe places for children of Kayaye and teenage mothers at market places.
  3. Ghana education service must have well  organized  Mentoring Programmes for girls who re-enter school after child birth.
  4.  Conduct a national research on the magnitude and dimension of teenage motherhoo